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The CVN-68 "Nimitz" aircraft carrier is the first ship of the "Nimitz" class aircraft carrier and the second nuclear-powered aircraft carrier of the US Navy. The "Nimitz" (CVN-68) was built on June 22, 1968, launched on May 13, 1972, and entered service on May 3, 1975. The ship has a total length of 332.9 meters, a waterline length of 317 meters, a ship width of 40.8 meters, a flight deck length of 332.9 meters, a flight deck width of 76.8 meters and a diagonal flight deck of 237.7 meters. The number of establishments is 5936. The cruising speed is 30 knots, the endurance is 80 to 1 million nautical miles, and the fuel can last for 15 years. The main offensive and defensive weapons of the "Nimitz" aircraft carrier are more than 80 carrier-based aircraft of various types. In addition, the ship is also equipped with three 8-unit MK29 "Sea Sparrow" ship-to-air missile launchers and three MK15 "Vulcan" and "Phalanx" close defense weapon systems. The aircraft carrier "Nimitz" was ordered to sail to the Mediterranean on July 7, 1976. Its aircraft carrier battle group included the "South Carolina" and "California" nuclear-powered cruisers. In 1979, Iran seized 52 Americans Hostages. On September 10, the "Nimitz" deployed in the Mediterranean for the third time was ordered to head to the Indian Ocean. Four months later, a hostage rescue unit code-named the "Luminous" plan came from the "Nimitz". Afterwards, the rescue plan was destroyed due to insufficient helicopters to transport rescue troops and hostages. During the operation, the "Nimitz" stayed at sea for a total of 144 days, demonstrating the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier's long-term combat capability.

1/350 Trumpeter USS Nimitz CVN68 Aircraft Carrier 1975

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  • Item No. 05605 Product name US CVN-68 Nimitz 1975 Barcode n/a Product ratio 1:350 Product Type Static Warship Model Brief Length: 968 mm Width: 236mm Total number of parts 962pcs Metal hull frame and screws Etched parts n/a Film film n/a Resin parts n/a Total Sprues 31pcs sprues plus lower hull, upper hull, waterline plate, hangar decks, flight decks and display stand Paint scheme US CVN-68 Nimitz aircraft carrier 1975 version (just after commissioned) Announcement date n/a More description Either waterline version or full hull version can be selected; Include 6 Phantoms, 3 Intruders, 6 Corsair II s, 1 Hawkeye, 1 Vigilante, 2 Vikings, 2 Skywarriors, 1 sea King, total 8 types 22 aircraft with clear canopy , folding wings, especially with clear fuselage and folding rotor on the helicopter.

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